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How to help kids weather the pandemic

As much as we'd like it to be over, the pandemic ... is not over. Here are some recent helpful resources for parents: How pandemic stress...

Giving Song podcast with Kate Weir

The fabulous owner of Giving Song, music therapist Kristen Veteto, sat down with Kate Weir to talk all things play and play therapy, This...

Story Time -- Not A Box

Story Time includes bibliotherapy activities based on popular children's books that offer insight to help the reader grow in self...

How to talk to kids about COVID

This is a great resource for parents:

Shepherding Children Through COVID-19

As a Child-Centered Play Therapist, I am a student of Dr. Garry Landreth. Dr. Landreth is considered one of the modern-day “fathers” of...

Talking to kids about violence in schools

The recent school shooting in Florida is something that has left a lot of parents with questions about how to introduce tough topics to...

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